Moore Police Department

Case Study

System Installed

Apex Officer X2

Agency Type

The Challenge

The Moore Police Department, located in the state of Oklahoma, serves the 7th largest city in the state, Moore, with a population of over 55,000 residents. With over 89 commissioned officers and 17 civilian employees, the Moore Police Department was in search of a better way to train their officers, staff, and personnel.

The Solution

The Moore Police Department conducted significant research on the use of force and de-escalation training simulators and chose to implement Apex Officer's virtual reality training simulator as a core component of their training program. As technology advances, Moore PD is staying on the cutting edge of progressive training methods and use of force simulators.

The Results

Moore PD is the first and only law enforcement agency in Oklahoma to acquire a VR training simulator. Moore police officers are using the Apex Officer system to continue building on their judgmental decision-making skills and are benefiting from Apex Officer's immersive training experience with limitless adaptability in training scenarios, environments, and behaviors. Learn more about Moore PD changing the game for police training in Oklahoma.