Maryland Sheriff's Offices Improve Training with Apex Officer

Sheriff's offices in Maryland are improving their training with Apex Officer's VR training platform.

The role of law enforcement officers is to maintain peace and order in the society they serve. Sometimes, this involves the use of force, and it is imperative that officers are trained to use force only when necessary and in a way that minimizes harm to themselves and the public. Sheriff's offices in Maryland, like the Howard County Sheriff's Office, are increasingly turning to innovative technology, such as the Apex Officer's de-escalation training simulator, to better prepare their deputies for use of force incidents.

The use of the Apex Officer's de-escalation training simulator is part of a broader effort to improve police training and reduce the use of force incidents. In recent years, there has been increasing scrutiny of police tactics, particularly in cases where officers have used excessive force or where interactions with civilians have turned deadly. The use of innovative training technologies, such as virtual reality, is seen as a way to better prepare officers for high-stress situations and to reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes.

Sheriff Marcus Harris in a VR Training Scenario
Sheriff Marcus Harris in a VR Training Scenario

De-Escalation Training for Maryland Sheriffs

The Apex Officer's de-escalation training simulator is a virtual reality platform that allows officers to practice handling high-stress situations, such as active shooter incidents or encounters with individuals who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. The simulator creates a realistic environment where officers can practice their decision-making skills, assess threats, and use verbal and physical techniques to de-escalate situations.

Source: Howard County Sheriff's Office

The Howard County Sheriff's Office has recognized the value of the Apex Officer's de-escalation training simulator and has incorporated it into their training programs. According to Sheriff Marcus Harris, "The simulator is an invaluable tool for our deputies to gain the necessary skills to handle high-stress situations that they may encounter in their duties."

Police Accountability Board Placed in Training Scenario

Over the past several weeks, Sheriff Harris provided the opportunity for County Executive Calvin Ball, HCPD Chief Gregory Der, State’s Attorney Rich Gibson, members of the County Council (Ms. Christiana Rigby, Mr. Opel Jones and Mr. David Yungmann) and members of the Police Accountability Board an overview of the Apex Officer system and the ability to experience firsthand how the training is accomplished.

Source: Howard County Sheriff's Office

The training simulator allows deputies to experience scenarios that are difficult or impossible to replicate in traditional training environments. For example, officers can practice responding to a school shooting or a domestic disturbance, without putting themselves or others in harm's way. The simulator also allows deputies to practice interacting with individuals who may be experiencing mental health issues, an area where de-escalation skills are particularly important.


In conclusion, the Howard County Sheriff's Office is one example of how law enforcement agencies in Maryland are using technology to improve their training programs. By incorporating the Apex Officer's de-escalation training simulator into their training, the Sheriff's Office is helping deputies develop critical skills to handle high-stress situations with the utmost care and professionalism. As more law enforcement agencies embrace these innovative training tools, we can hope to see a reduction in the use of excessive force and better outcomes for both officers and the public they serve.

About the Author

John Carter
Community and Engagement Manager

Community and Engagement Manager at Apex Officer