New Training Simulator Available to Wisconsin Police Officers

Wisconsin police officers can now train with the leading VR simulator.

Wisconsin law enforcement agencies have embarked on a path of modernization by adopting Apex Officer's new training simulator. This advanced technology solution aims to enhance the training experience of police officers throughout the state, providing a realistic and immersive environment that vastly improves on traditional training methods.

The VR-based training simulator by Apex Officer stands out as an innovative development in law enforcement training. Designed to replicate real-world scenarios, it provides Wisconsin police officers with the opportunity to practice decision-making and response tactics in a safe and controlled environment.

The demand for comprehensive, realistic training is significant in the law enforcement community. With the introduction of the Apex Officer VR training simulator, officers in Wisconsin are now better prepared to handle a multitude of situations they may encounter in the line of duty. The simulator trains for scenarios ranging from routine traffic stops to high-risk situations, ensuring a well-rounded training experience.

VR Training Simulator Wisconsin Police Officers

With the national focus on improving the quality of use of force training for law enforcement officers, the NWTC Public Safety Training Center saw an opportunity to implement futuristic and innovative law enforcement training simulators in the classroom that will aid the development of Wisconsin's future police officers. Additionally, NWTC Public Safety Training Center provides in-service training to Wisconsin police officers and Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB) Certified Instructors. As you may have scene, the Oshkosh Police Department has recently acquired a new Apex Officer immersive virtual reality training simulator.

Wisconsin Police Officers Embrace Innovative VR Training Simulator from Apex Officer

NWTC Public Safety Program recently stated, "We are proud to offer the latest in training practices here on campus for our students, recruits and area public safety partners. This virtual reality system from Apex Officer is absolutely amazing and has countless scenarios where officers can be placed in to work on their decision making skills."

By utilizing Apex Officer's advanced VR technology, Wisconsin law enforcement agencies are at the forefront of adopting innovative methods in police training. This move represents a significant step forward in enhancing police training practices, better preparing officers for their vital roles, and, ultimately, contributing to the safety and well-being of the communities they serve.

NWTC Public Safety Training Center and Facilities

Housing high-tech tools and scenario-based training opportunities, the NWTC Public Safety Training Center is the place where police and corrections officers, firefighters, EMTs, paramedics and other specialists can practice making appropriate decisions in simulated, life-threatening, situations.  Departments can also rent the facilities to coordinate their own training.

NWTC provides law enforcement training in the areas of:

  • Law Enforcement Academy
  • Administration & Leadership
  • Community Policing
  • Gangs
  • Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB) Instructor Classes
  • Investigations
  • Patrol/Tactical Operations

NWTC provides corrections officer training in the areas of:

  • Jail Academy
  • Inmate Grievances & Manipulations
  • Contraband & Searches
  • Crisis Intervention & Emergency Response
  • Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
  • Mental Health & Substance Abuse
  • Transportation of Inmates

"With many law enforcement agencies and academies not having access to high-end training for their trainees and students, it was an impactful decision to provide students in the Criminal Justice Program with the best training tool available," said Chase Dittmer. "As the future of law enforcement in Wisconsin, NWTC students will have a training platform that was designed in the field with law enforcement for law enforcement, that will help save lives and positively impact Wisconsin communities."

Mishicot Public Safety Cadets visited the NWTC for Use of Force training scenarios.
Mishicot Public Safety Cadets visited the NWTC for Use of Force training scenarios.


Through their ongoing commitment to advancing law enforcement training, Apex Officer continues to deliver comprehensive, effective, and cutting-edge training solutions that prepare officers for the complexities of modern-day policing. Their partnership with Wisconsin law enforcement agencies marks another milestone in their mission to revolutionize law enforcement training across the country.

Apex Officer is revolutionizing the way police departments and law enforcement agencies train across the midwest with VR training technology. To learn more about Apex Officer and how it can help your agency, please speak with one of our Apex Officer product experts today and schedule your free interactive product demonstration. If you would like to speak to someone on our procurement team, we have grant writers and procurement specialists available to help you today.

About the Author

John Carter
Community and Engagement Manager

Community and Engagement Manager at Apex Officer